Legislative Alerts

State House crime bill hearings the week of Feb. 19

Try to attend the crucial bill meetings marked in red type below about some crucial bills to help prisoners and their loved ones. Failing that, you can still email your written testimony to the appropriate House or Senate committees. Just go to the web page for a chosen committee and find the mass committee email address. 

State House crime policy hearings week of Feb. 4, 2019

Sate House Crime Policy Hearings Week of February 4, 2019
Monday February 4,  Legislative Ethics Committee 104 LOB.

News on crime bills for the week of Jan. 28

News on crime bills for the week of Jan. 28
By Chris Dornin

There was a tense subcommittee meeting last week on our HB--229 to make Corrections run its draft policies before lawmakers and get them approved as administrative rules. We need a show of support for the bill at its next subcommittee meeting on Mar. 5. I've been sitting down with the six sponsors of the bill, and two of them plan to speak at that critical workshop. We need members of CCJR to speak too.

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