
Death Penalty Panel Discussion

The Rudman Center Student Advisory Board with support from The Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership and Public Policy cordially hosted a panel regarding the death penalty in New Hampshire. April 8, 2015. Click title to watch the video

Hillsborough County Superior Court unveils intensive probation program

CONCORD -- A ground-breaking program is being introduced at Hillsborough County Superior Court-North in Manchester that is dedicated to changing the way probation will be approached for individuals who are at risk of reoffending and recycling through the state's jails and prisons. The first Warning Hearing under the New Hope Program is scheduled for March 10 at 1:00pm.

Testimony supporting the governor’s proposed budget

The budget addresses many years of prison neglect

I co-founded Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform in 2011, a nonprofit advocacy group that has grown to 300 dues paying members,

Judge wrong on earned time denial

Superior Court Justice James O’Neill erred this month in denying convicted burglar Joshua Shepard a 300-day sentence reduction for earning an associates degree in prison and completing a parenting program and vocational training.

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