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Amazon will Donate 0.5% of Your Amazon Purchases to CCJR - Use Link

When you use our Link Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform

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Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform.

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NH Prison Family Connection Center leaves many fathers without help or hope!

Please Watch the WMUR Video (see below) about the NH Prison Family Connection Center which on the surface sounds like a great program.

However, what this story does not tell you is the Family Connection Center (FCC) does not offer this program to every incarcerated father. There are literally 100’s of fathers and their families who are restricted from participating!

NH Senate Passes Repeal 14-10!

Today, (March 15, 2018) the NH Senate Passed Death Penalty Repeal by a Vote of 14-10

The NH Senate today deliberated nearly one hour before passing Senate Bill 593 with a bipartisan vote of 14-10. Watch the full debate and vote on YouTube here.   Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform has long supported the repeal of the NH Death Penalty. We are pleased to announce that on March 15, 2018 the NH senate did just that. SINCE THE DEATH penalty was reinstated in the United States in 1973, for every 10 people who have been executed across the country, one person has been exonerated. A 10 percent wrongful conviction is unacceptable when we execute people. The bill now passes to the NH House and we encourage them to show the same bold courage as the Senate. Let your legislators know you support repealing the Death Penalty -

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