With Great Sadness We Announce the Passing of Tom Adams

Tom has been actively involved with Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform (CCJR) since July 2011, just six months after the organization was founded. His contributions to CCJR have been invaluable, as he has served as a faithful board member and volunteer, dedicating his time and effort to the organization's mission.

His roles within CCJR have been crucial to its success:

Youngkin pardons Loudoun County dad convicted after confronting school board about daughter's sexual assault

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin has issued a full pardon for a Loudoun County father who he says was wrongfully prosecuted and convicted for standing up for his daughter at a 2021 Loudoun County School Board meeting after she was sexually assaulted at school.

Awesome victory in Montana

This post was written by someone, or multiple people, within the organization of NARSOL.

By Larry . . . NARSOL is excited to report on a win in the case of Montana v. Richard Hinman. We just learned of the case although it was decided on June 14, 2023. The question and issue before the court was:  Did retroactive application of the Sexual or Violent Offender Registration Act violate the prohibition against ex post facto punishment in Article II, Section 31, of the Montana Constitution.

Service to notify victims about offenders via texts, emails

CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire is starting an Automated Victim Information and Notification System, to keep crime victims aware of an offender's status via text messages, emails and phone calls. Victim advocates will be registering crime victims, who will then maintain a personal profile to update their notification preferences and contact information. WATCH VIDEO

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