Please Telll Us What is Happening in our Jails and Prison?

If your friend or loved one is incarcerated in New Hampshire and has shared any information on what is happening behind the walls regarding Coronavirus please let us know. Have they received soap and cleaning supplies like bleach wipes? Have they heard about anyone getting the virus? Please share information and please read our  April Newsletter -

Coronavirus: What's Happening in our Prison?

Read Our Latest Newsletter on COVID-19 and our Jails and Prisons


Parole Hearings Are a Cruel Way to Decide a Prisoner's Fate. Here's How to Make the Process Fairer

Parole hearings are supposed to provide inmates who are eligible for release an opportunity to make their case for freedom. But the current system too often throws them in front of a board of strangers without a stitch of preparation or guidance. Some inmates are given only a few minutes to say their piece over video conference. Others are peppered with questions in person.

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