Predicted Storm has postponed HB1105 hearing until Feb. 9 at 2:15 pm
The NH House Criminal Justice Committee will meet in LOB 202 and receive testimony on HB-1105, a proposal to reduce the “Earned Time Credit” of an inmate.
2017 Since 2017 CCJR has been very involved in advocating for more opportunities for inmates to take advantage of the Earned Time Credit. It was our bill (HB544) that was successful in allowing more ways for inmates to work toward getting credits.
The earned credit allows an inmate to earn a small amount of reduced time for participating in certain approved programs, such as high school equivalency or diploma courses, obtaining college degrees, participating in vocational training, mental health sessions, anger management courses and other programs that the DOC determines to be valuable for an inmate's rehabilitation.
This bill seeks to reduce those opportunities and the training that the DOC determines will help in an inmate’s rehabilitation.
Attached below is DOC Commissioner Helen Hanks’ testimony, in which she explains the evolution of the current law and the necessity for rejecting this proposed amendment. She further cites the positive effects of these programs that reduce recidivism. US News has ranked NH #1 for the past two years as the top state for for reduction of crime and its correction’s programs. Earned time credit assists inmates successfully reenter society It helps protect society.
Please contact the legislators on this House Criminal Justice Committee. CCJR has advocated for earned time credit since it was founded. The programs that earn an inmate a small amount of time off their sentence are cost-effective programs and policies that reduce crime, lower recidivism, and make our society safer. We must maintain and improve rehabilitation programs (not reduce them) because they are so important in providing inmates with tools to remain crime free which in turn keep the community safer.
Use the following link to find a list of committee members with links to their contact information.
You are looking for members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
Chairman: Daryl Abbas
VChairman: Terry Roy
Clerk: Scott Wallace
Committee Members
David Welch (R)
John Burt (R)
Gary Hopper (R)
Dennis Green (R)
Dave Testerman (R)
Chris True (R)
Kevin Pratt (R)
Dick Marston (R)
Linda Harriott-Gathright (D)
Laura Pantelakos (D)
Andrew O'Hearne (D)
John Bordenet (D)
David Meuse (D)
Ray Newman (D)
Amanda Bouldin (D)
Casey Conley (D)
Amy Bradley (D)
Follow the link and then click on the individual names for phone numbers and email addresses.