Special thanks to DOC Commissioner William Wrenn for agreeing to meet with the members and friends of NH Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform. Approximately 50 people gathered at the Concordia Lutheran Church Tuesday, on January 20th, representing a multiplicity of concerns surrounding their incarcerated loved one. Commissioner Wrenn listened and responded to each and every inquiry and stated that he has an open door policy inviting any family member to call him with issues or concerns. We appreciate the cooperative spirit of the Commissioner and look forward to working with him in the future.
When: January 20th - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Concordia Lutheran Church - 211 N. Main St., Concord, N.H.
Who: Family & Friends of Inmates Welcome
Commissioner Wrenn has graciously agreed to meet with Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform and inmate family members to discuss programming concerns within the NH State Prison. This meeting is sponsored and moderated by CCJR-NH. Family members can submit questions to be asked or topics to be raised by sending them to info@ccjrnh.org or by calling (603)832-1555. Please indicate if you have a specific inmate concern and if you would like to ask your own question or have it presented by CCJR. If a family member is willing; a few specific examples may be chosen to illustrate the basis of the concern or issue being addressed.
As the date approaches, please check this announcement for updates and additional information concerning the meeting. Weather related cancellations, and or postponement shall be posted within 18 hours of the event.
CCJR - PO BOX 3942 - Concord, NH 03302 - 603) 832-1555 -- www.ccjrnh.org info@ccjrnh.org