Inmate Art Exhibition Planned for April to Raise Money for Summer Camp Program

Something pretty cool is happening Apr. 9 in Concord, a day-long program to show off and help the Family Connections Program that fosters the bonds between prisoners and their kids. It's a chance to have some fun, learn about the challenges these families face, and support them in their tough work of holding important things together. Read more for comlete notice and information


(Concord, N.H.) The Kimball Jenkins Estate in Concord will be the site of a unique art exhibition beginning on April 9, 2014. Murals created by New Hampshire Department of Corrections inmates and their children over the past two summers will be displayed for the public to enjoy.

The event will include more than an exhibition. Workshops and forums are also scheduled to educate the public about the challenges that face the family of inmates while they are in prison. There will also be an artist’s workshop and family reception.
The activities are coordinated by the Department of Corrections Family Connections Center, a fifteen year old program unique to the Department which strengthens the connection between incarcerated parents and their families while facilitating ties to their community through education and support. Much if its funding originates from grants and donations.
The event is free and open to the public. The proceeds from an online auction as well as any donations received during the exhibition will be used to provide a scholarship to the Children of Incarcerated Parents Summer Camp. The goal is to send fifteen children to camp.
Complete details for the exhibition are still being finalized but a tentative schedule of the April events is available on the Department’s website at this link:
For More Information Contact:
NH Department of Corrections
Office of Public Information
For Immediate Release: February 27, 2014
Contact: Jeff Lyons, Public Information Officer
(603) 271-5602
Contact: Kristina Toth, NHDOC Family Connections Center
(603) 271-2255