Washington — The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower court ruling that “sweeping” conditions imposed retroactively under Michigan’s sex offender registry law were unconstitutionally punitive.
I enjoyed reading David Solomon’s recent column about a problem I have worked on for years: How to make the Department of Corrections send all of its administrative rules to lawmakers for vetting and approval. Our nonprofit agency wrote a bill this term at the State House to make that happen, HB 192.
This is a terrible secret. The men’s prison in Concord houses a small number of mentally ill patients who have never been convicted of a crime. They are deemed too dangerous to live at the State Hospital, where they might hurt other patients. This difficult group does not belong at the prison either. Many cannot defend themselves from hardened criminals.
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The Supreme Court unanimously struck down a law banning registered sex offenders from using social media websites like Facebook in an opinion handed down Monday morning.