Sex Offender Laws & Treatment

Pass sex offender laws only when voters are mad

Sex offender laws sail through legislatures on hysteria. Nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped from her Florida home in February, 2005, then raped and buried alive. Barely a month later sympathizers filed the draconian 82-page Jessica Lunsford Act in her honor.

Joe Foster faces a huge job as AG

Foster's Daily Democrat, by Chris Dornin, April 15, 2013 -

Seeking smarter rules for sex offenders

Janice Bellucci of Reform Sex Offender Laws believes offenders should go to prison. But after they get out, she wants them to have a chance to lead stable lives.

Sex Offender Re-Entry" was the theme of the 2012 Prisoner Reentry Initiative Educational and Networking Symposium in OK

"Sex Offender Re-Entry" was the theme of the 2012 Prisoner Reentry Initiative Educational and Networking Symposium in Oklahoma City.

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