Today, the NH House voted In favor of a bill to repeal the death penalty by a vote of 279-88. "Ask the Governor not to Veto"

Today, the NH House voted In favor of a bill to repeal the death penalty by a vote of 279-88. "Ask the Governor not to Veto" HB 455 would replace the sentence of death with life in prison without parole and would only apply to future capital cases.

VIDEO: The Importance of Connection | Alissa R. Ackerman | TED TALK

Dr. Alissa R. Ackerman offers a new perspective on restorative justice and how it can help those who suffered from sexual assault. With her personal experience, she shares with everyone the true importance of engaging in difficult conversations to heal from intimate harm.

State House crime bill hearings the week of Feb. 19

Try to attend the crucial bill meetings marked in red type below about some crucial bills to help prisoners and their loved ones. Failing that, you can still email your written testimony to the appropriate House or Senate committees. Just go to the web page for a chosen committee and find the mass committee email address. 

Alabama court upholds first amendment rights for registered sexual offenders

By Anna Beahm . . . A federal district judge has ruled parts of Alabama’s sex offender registration and notification laws are unconstitutional under the First Amendment, court records show.

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