From Ex-con forum: Successful Reintegration Story

"I did 15 years in prison and when I got out it was like being on another planet. Everything had changed so much and it was so overwhelming, I couldn't even walk into a store or just be around everyday people without panicking and sweating, words couldn't describe how I felt…

Join Webinar JAN 25: Challenging 50 Years of Mass Incarceration

Fifty years ago, the United States embarked on a path of mass incarceration that has led to a staggering increase in the correctional population. Today, nearly two million people - disproportionately Black Americans - are living in prisons and jails instead of their communities. In the early 1970s this count was 360,000.

Primary Caregiver Bill - Sponsored by FREE HER

Please to Share the following: New Hampshire FREE HER Campaign and
The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls
is committed to abolishing incarceration of women and girls
Campaign Kickoff event on February 6, 2023 from 6-7pm.
Senator Perkins Kwoka, & Joseph Lascaze from the ACLU as well as a directly impacted mother.

Unique process leads to suspended sentence in hit-and-run

Families of suspect, victim meet to reach settlement

A man who crashed into a person on the side of a New Hampshire highway who was helping victims of a car crash was given a suspended sentence Wednesday after taking part in a restorative justice process.

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